What is the difference between carpenter drill bits and metal drill bits?

Carpenter Drill Bit: The carpenter drill bit for drilling wood there has larger amount of stock removal. Generally, it is made of ordinary carbon steel, the manufacturing process of the carpenter drill is simple, such as forging, stamping, grinding, etc.

Metal Drill Bit: Generally, the metal drill bit is made of alloy of hardness or HHS(high-speed steel), etc. The metal drill bit is cast and molded, after that to be grinded by grinding wheel on the grinding machine. Its manufacturing process is more complicated than carpenter drill bit.

Peculiarities of Drilling Machining

The drilling machining is one of the most difficult machiningin metal machining

Peculiarities of Drilling Machining

The drilling machining is one of the most difficult machiningin metal machining, cause of that:

1th: Holesmachiningare the forming machining, the design of drill bit is good or not that directlyeffects on the accuracyof bore diameter.

2nd: The blade is in the hole, cooling is difficult.Continue reading

How many kinds of drills according to different materials?

The drill bits are special cutters that are used to drill through holes or blind holes in solid materials, and also reaming holes in existing holes. The most commonly used drills are twist drill, flat drill, centre drill, deep-hole drill and trepanning drill. Although reaming drill and M drill can’t be drilled holes in solid material, but they are also customary to put them in the drill bit classes.

Classification of drill bits are: HHS drill bits, carbide drill bits, tungsten drill bits.

Classification of drill bits are: HHS drill bits, carbide drill bits, tungsten drill bits.

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Features of Drill Jig

What is the fixture of drilling machine? For this answer, check out our technical article.[What is the fixture of the drilling machine?] Web page link: http://www.drillbitgrinder.com/what-is-the-fixture-of-the-drilling-machine/

You know the fixture of the drilling machine, but do you know the features of drill jig?

What is the features of the drill jig?

What is the features of the drill jig?

Generally, the features of drilling holes of workpiece in drill jig as follow:Continue reading

What is the fixture of the drilling machine?

Fixture of drilling machine is shorted for drilling machine die that is used to process holes and threads. The Fixture is mainly composed of drill bush, location device and clamping device, etc. Due to feeds less movement and the structural features, drilling machining tends to be lower precision, led to uncomfortably guarantee the accuracy of multi-holes drilling, so that, fixture of drilling machine plays a decisive role in drilling accuracy, and also fixture of drilling machine is the most widely used in all fixtures.

Structure of Drilling Jig

1. Fixed Drilling Jig

The type of drilling jig is fixed in the position of the drilling machine, and it has higher processing accuracy, mainly used for drilling single hole with larger diameter in vertical drilling machine, and parallel hole-series in radial drilling machine.Continue reading

How to choose the right machine tool?

The  one of the oldest metal removal machines, has a number of useful and highly desirable attributes. Today these lathes are used primarily in small factories where smaller quantities rather than large production runs are encountered.

How to choose the right machine tool

How to choose the right machine tool

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How does the twist drill bit sharpen can be more sharper?

The twist drill bit is the most commonly used cutting tool, the twist drill bit wants to be sharpened, so pay attention to some points below to:

For mechanical processing, twist drill bit is the most important of drilling tool, in all itsstructure simplicity,but it’s not easy to sharpen it right. The keypoint is to master the sharpening methodsand skills.If the method is mastered, the problem will be solved.Let me introduce the manual grinding of twist drill bit.

Usually, the point angle of twist drill bit is about 118°,it could also be treated 120°, the sharpening skills as follows:Continue reading

How to extend drill bit service life?

The drill has been widely used, but the cost of materials is high and reasonable use of drill bit can save cost. So how to extend the service life of the drill bit? Please read the following maintenance methods carefully.

Bit maintenance and drilling attention

How to extend bit service life?

How to extend drill bit service life? Sharpen drill bit on grinder attention.

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